December 31, 2011

10/11 weeks

How far along? 11 weeks

Total weight gain: many Christmas goodies!

Maternity clothes? no

Stretch marks? no

Sleep: getting much better

Best moment this week: Appointment 12/22, first time hearing the heartbeat on the doppler! Poor little thing must be high strung like her momma....170 bpm!

Miss Anything? It was my 24th birthday yesterday, and to celebrate my hubby took me out for a nice dinner downtown, followed by Mojo's dueling paino bar--so fun, but I think he felt bad enjoying the craft beers without me. I didn't care though, it was a great night out!

Movement: no

Food cravings: Fruit, sweets, cheese, any meat except for chicken. I can finally stomach veggies again this week though!

Anything making you queasy or sick: damn that chicken.

Gender: Won't find out til the next ultrasound IF we decide to find out!

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: This is the best I've felt in a while! Weeks 5.5-9 were rough!

Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: SO HAPPY! Finally!

Looking forward to: celebrating New Years with friends!


  1. stinks that you don't like chicken right now ... i have no idea what i would do if i couldn't eat chicken ... that's all i do!

    and happy belated birthday :)

  2. Oh my goodness! I am so getting fit this year, you're pregnant and your tummy is smaller than mine! hahaha

  3. awww you have a teeny tiny bump, so exciting!!!!! My adversions are meat... barf. I loved meat pre-pregnancy the thought if it now makes me ill
