December 06, 2011

Show Me Christmas *List* Link Up! {week 1}

My Christmas List:

1.  a new boss. mine is out of state at a "conference" (read: disneyland) this week and with the amount of work he's tied me down with, i couldn't think of a better time to jump ship.

*disclaimer: I really do love my job

2. or maybe just jump ship altogether. as in jump off a ship into the crystal clear waters of the caribbean. this girl NEEDS a vacation, and who better to supply good times than the jolly old elf himself, right? THANKS SANTA ;)


3. a REAL christmas tree. growing up, real was all my family had. we'd pile everyone and the dog into my dad's pickup and drive around for hours looking for the perfect tree. they were always way too tall for the house, but full of "character". since being married, ours is a fake hand-me-down that was finally adorned with ornaments for the first time in three years. yes, we went three years with a lights-only tree (read: we are lazy and/or cheap).

here she is in all her sparse-plasticy glory. (look at those new shiny red bulbs!)

here's the "look" i was going for.

complete with one night at the Plaza Hotel, please.

4. #4 is easy. I want Santa to fix my kitchen ceiling! we swapped out the fluorescents in favor of can lights this summer, but never got around to finishing it. I would ask Santa for a builder, but seeing as my husband is already that-I'd say I'm doing ok in that department.

5. another easy one:
diamonds, baby. any diamonds will do. this girl ain't picky.

6. I'm a little hesitant about asking for this one:

Last time I did, I ended up with these:

He got the "Uggs" part right...but seriously, who spends $150 on a pair of gloves for man-handed woman!?! I am SO careful not to lose, stretch out, or god forbid-crease these babies.

Now for the more realistic options:



if you're feeling generous, Santa, feel free to replace standard "new robe & slippers" with "robe and slippers at an actual spa and/or resort". your choice. for the record, I've been real good this year!

9. I need a new one of these

So i can look like this:

Everyday. Too much to ask?

10. Lastly...

Mama has been DYING to get a pink Matthews Passion for quite some time now! Santa, don't you want me to get one of these big guys next year?

I'll need to start practicing soon!  

 Thanks Santa!



  1. that robe looks so comfy. I love VS

  2. great list!... i love this.. "my boss is at a conference... disneyland!"


  3. Haha, oh dear ... He got you Ugg GLOVES and you asked for boots??! Hahaha, I'm sorry, but bless his heart! So funny!!!

    I love the look and feel you were attempting for your tree! You were so close ... trust me ;)

  4. your list totally made me laugh... especially the uggs part. so funny!

  5. That is too funny that hubby got you gloves instead of the boots! :) I got Uggs from hubby last Christmas and I love them so. The most comfortable boots ever!

    and those earrings are fabulous!
