January 03, 2012

why I love crazy bitches {subtitled: Bachelor Recap}

i was so nervous for a new season of The Bachelor to begin...usually the hubs & I {yes, although he sometimes hates to admit it, he loves this garbage too} curl up with a big ol glass of red wine {or two or three} and watch it together, but with the way this week has gone {West Michigan got hammered with 15 inches of snow} he had to plow all night and my pregnant ass was left home alone sans big ol glass of red wine.

i was antsy for two reasons, 1. here are all these beautiful chicks parading around in fabulous sleeveless dresses while i'm growing a spare tire in 15 inches of snow and below zero windchills, and 2. i wasn't sure how i could watch The Bachelor without wine. lemon-water is a worse replacement than a bandaid on an amputation.

much to my satisfaction though, the season premier was so trashy  and so scandalous that i couldn't help but feel awesome. whoever buys groceries for that house purchased one too many fifths of the goose. i couldn't believe how wasted those girls were, hilarous!

a rundown of the action with brief commentary from yours truly: 
{photos from abc.com or google}

Holly from Kentucky wore a hat. {and just so you know Holly, Kentucky is not known for beautiful women and fast horses--but rather beautiful horses and women with poor taste in headware. Eliminated.}
THE BACHELOR - In "Episode 1601," Ben returns to the mansion for the first big cocktail party. He explains to Chris Harrison that, as painful as his experience was last season, he has no regrets. When Ben began his journey with Ashley, he was emotionally shut down due to his grief over his father's death. Ultimately, he was able to open himself up again to love. Because of that journey, he is a different man and ready to try and find love again, when "The Bachelor" premieres MONDAY, JANUARY 2 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RICK ROWELL)BEN FLAJNIK, HOLLY

Emily rapped about germs. {wicked smart AND funny, not bad}
THE BACHELOR - In "Episode 1601," Ben returns to the mansion for the first big cocktail party. He explains to Chris Harrison that, as painful as his experience was last season, he has no regrets. When Ben began his journey with Ashley, he was emotionally shut down due to his grief over his father's death. Ultimately, he was able to open himself up again to love. Because of that journey, he is a different man and ready to try and find love again, when "The Bachelor" premieres MONDAY, JANUARY 2 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RICK ROWELL)EMILY, BEN FLAJNIK

Dianna blindfolds Ben and feeds him candy. {she couldn't think of anything better to do with that blindfold? probably why Ben eliminated her}
THE BACHELOR - In "Episode 1601," Ben returns to the mansion for the first big cocktail party. He explains to Chris Harrison that, as painful as his experience was last season, he has no regrets. When Ben began his journey with Ashley, he was emotionally shut down due to his grief over his father's death. Ultimately, he was able to open himself up again to love. Because of that journey, he is a different man and ready to try and find love again, when "The Bachelor" premieres MONDAY, JANUARY 2 (8:00-10:01 p.m., ET), on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/RICK ROWELL)BEN FLAJNIK, DIANNA

Lindzi rode in on a horse. {and got the first impression rose, wtf?}

Brittney brought her grandma to help schmooze him over with the "i love my family" card. {desperate}

i was so bummed to see Anna get eliminated. she played it coy and walked right past Ben during the introductions, which i thought was ballsy-doesn't every guy like the chase? oh wait, Ben just likes it easy. 

Monica {girl is crazzyyyy} and Blakeley {gooorgeouss} canoodled on the couch

   +   =their own lesbian Bachelorette spin off?

and my personal fave: Jenna had a confrontation with lesbian Monica, and cried for the rest of the night because the lesbian didn't like her. {if you want to make friends, Jenna, join Celebrity Rehab or Extreme Home Makeover}. Ben gave her the last rose {can you say pity party?}

and to think, all these ho-bags are trying to win the heart of the beloved Bachelor Ben {who in real life is probably 9 times less cute in real life, and 1000 times more sweaty...am i the only person who notices this?}

who got dumped last season by that wackjob Ashley {soooo happy that she picked JT & that they're still going strong, although i think that he would have made for a better Bachelor this season.


can't wait til next week to see what kind of debauchery goes down between Monica & Jenna!


  1. hhahaha I agree with everything you said!

  2. Can't wait to watch it! I don't have my tv set up in my new house yet wahhhh. So glad there's fellow Bachelor lovers in the blogosphere :)

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget

  3. New follower here! Just saw you were following my blog and yes you can totally use the wives tales thing! Congrats on your pregnancy!!!!

    That Jenna girl was ridiculous on the Bachelor hah!
