January 06, 2012

Friday Confessions!

I recently found Leslie's blog and can't get over how freakin adorable she is! This week, I'm linking up with her and spewing all my deepest, darkest confessions. Ok, few are "deep" and none are "dark" but you get the idea.

1. I cannot gain weight. {OH MY EFFF yes i just said that}. I am doing everything in my power, including sneaking a lil bite every now and then directly from the cream cheese package and nothing is working. NOTHING. I'm starving all the time so I eat roughly every 1.5-2 hours, but it's not like it's going "through me" {if you catch my drift}. I don't know where it's going. I know, someday {soon} I will look back and lament ever saying such words, but I can't help but freak out that I'm 13 weeks pregnant with nothing to show for it, minus a weird, flabby looking little pooch that weights approx 0 lbs. Maybe it's the zero alcohol rule and loads of "good stuff" like fruits/veggies, because I never had this issue before. We're going to Mexico in three weeks and I would rather look pregnant than FAT in a two piece. Vain, so vain.

2. I secretly think it is awesome. Go you, baby S! We're headed out to dinner with friends tonight, where I will still fit into my "hot" clothes even after a whole bowl of chicken corn chowda, loaded redskins, and prime rib (med-well) with extra mushrooms. THEN, we're headed out with another couple tomorrow night for more steak. Bonus!

3. I went out and bought Raven's infamous tan in a can this week. Ugh. This is the first winter I've gone without subjecting myself to the deadly rays of an indoor tanning bed and I could just about die. If they would let preggos tan, I would be first in line. Probably why I have wrinkles at 23 {wait, make that 24...I did have another birthday last week, shoot}. Don't be fooled, I have way too many northern european ancestors to achieve any sort of remarkable color, but something is better than nothing unless I want to go around looking like Casper {no, not white...but rather, "see through"}. Because blue veins don't look good on anyone's face.

4. I had wine on NYE. And it was awesome. The entire 1/2 ounce of it. It left me absolutely drooling for more. Am I the only one? Are there any mammas out there who drank a glass of wine or a beer every once in a while and their baby ended up fine? Once upon a time, somebody told me "baby can't feel it if you can't" and I thought that was the absolute worst advice I've ever heard because once I start drinking, I can't tell the difference between what I'm feeling and what I'm not. 

 5. I have been a major slacker lately. So bad that Ross once said, and I quote "are you ever going to do anything around here again? Once that baby comes you'll just say you never have time to cook or clean, how will we live?"  I can probably do better. I just don't feel like ittttttttt! Slack at home, slack at work. Shizzzzzz, even I know I'm being lazy. Need to work harder on that.

6. I just found out I've been paying twice (make that 4x the minimum, cuz I pay double on everything) on my car loan each month. How could I NOT notice that an extra $500 every month was disappearing?! I am religious about banking, saving, and how I spend my money. I feel like I've failed myself. I could have used it SO many other ways! Like, on my school debt--because that interest rate bends me over every.single.day.

7. It's 50 degrees and sunny in West Michigan today so all that snow we got last week is GONE. I am so sad.

Have a good weekend lovelies!


  1. I had a family member who drank "non-alcoholic" wine, or I guess it had very little alcohol while she was pregnant and she loved it!

  2. I had a few beers while preggo with Hadley and she turned out pretty awesome! I also had 1 1/2 beers on NYE over the course of 3 hours. I don't know how this baby is going to turn out yet, but I'll let you know. If you drink it slow and you don't feel drunk, you're fine...although I am no doctor, but seriously? Fetal Alcohol syndrome isn't going to happen from one beer or glass of wine. People in Europe do it all the time.

    Tanning? I also tanned when preggo with Hadley? I went to Punta Cana when I was 14 weeks. My Dr. said it was fine. The rays don't penetrate through your skin and into your baby, not gonna happen. You just have to be concerned with the heat and be cautious that you don't get overheated while in the bed, well that and a little something called skin cancer and wrinkles...but fair skinned blond people don't get that, right?

    So tan, drink, and be merry!

  3. You will gain weight when you need too, it's your first kid, you aren't suppose to be huge yet, I didn't gain or show until 20wks with my first, then I gained +1 lb or more a wk for the last 20 wks, total 25lb gain and I was healthy with an 8lb girl. You are probably consuming less 'wasteful' calories now, drinks etc. Now with my 3rd kid I have gained at 18wks, 4lbs but I look huge. You will be fine. Audrey

  4. and seriously, this was a confession! ;)

    go you for not gaining ... i'd be one week preggo and would gain 10 lbs ... yeah, that would be me! and the wine ... i heard it is not a horrible thing to do as long as it isn't like you know crazy. but i've never had babies so the advice i give isn't anything to take to heart.

    today was 50s in NY ... and it was strange. i wanted to be out in booty shorts. serious.
