February 13, 2012

16/17 weeks {in Mexico!}

How far along? 17 weeks! {okay, so I'm technically a week late posting this!}

Total weight gain: Oh sweet dear lord. Prior to vacation I was +3 overall. When I weighed myself the day after we got home I was +9 overall. It literally took me all week to get back on schedule, if you know what I mean. The bloat was sickening and my guts hurt just thinking about it! I don't think I could ever go another week eating few fruits/veggies and NO dairy! Those are babe's favorite things! Now that I'm readjusted that total is closer to about +6 overall. Still not bad!

Maternity clothes? Just the belly bands so far. I wore a lot of dresses in Mexico which was nice! I was so happy my shorts fit with no problems as long as I used the belly bands. Let's see how long that lasts!
Sleep: Awesome. I could literally sleep all day, everyday! My bed, the couch, my desk at work...

Best moment this week: I have officially popped! While I think the bloat had much to do with it, I "popped" during the last few days of vacation {17 weeks}. It literally happened overnight! I was pleasantly surprised when I changed into the clothes I wore on the flight down the morning we were scheduled to fly back that the ol' babe was quite visible...thru my sweatshirt! Also, the mexicans love pregnant chicks. Once they found out I was expecting, I was treated like royalty!
Miss Anything? Drinking. Eating whatever I wanted on vacation. Partaking in all those overpriced excursions in Mexico. I felt like I couldn't do anything!

Movement: YES! This is the most reassuring feeling in the world! Baby would wiggle like crazy everytime I got in the pool to cool down. Can't wait for Ross to feel it!
Food cravings: Random things--everything. While on vacation it was fruits, veggies and dairy just because I had to really limit those things. I would have died for some "normal," "American" eggs.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Cheeseburgers. We at them everyday at the pool for lunch. I swear I don't need another cheeseburger for a while!
Gender: Our anatomy scan is scheduled for 2/29!
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Had a few headaches this week, could be from the heat though.
Belly Button in or out? In

Wedding rings on or off? On and loose!

Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!

Looking forward to: finding out the gender! I can hardly wait!


  1. I can't wait to hear what you guys are having! Glad ya'll had fun in Mexico!

  2. i can't wait until you find the gender too! loving your baby bump! happy 16/17 weeks!!
