How far along? 33.5 weeks
Total weight gain: Oh my dear lord....I was up to +27 at my appointment last friday, but that # is more like +30 now...yep, 3 lbs in one weekend = too much food...dang.
Maternity clothes? I'm quickly running out of things to wear! I'm two seconds away from going out and buying new bras and underwear...things are getting ugly.
Sleep: Getting more and more tired all the time after work now, still getting up a few times a night to pee.
Best moment this week: The baby shower my best friend Lindsey hosted at her home! Two weekends in a row of adorable baby stuff...what a lucky little girl!
Miss Anything? My energy and will to get things done! I've been feeling "out of my skin" lately. There's just a lot of things shifting around at work in preparing for maternity leave, and with all the preparations going on at home, I feel like all the old constants in my life are changing--guess I'm just trying to break myself in for a new routine!
Movement: It's getting cramped in there, and her movements aren't like quick little jabs and tickles anymore! She's pretty strong! Her feet are constantly on my left side, and something (head, butt, who knows) is up in my ribs on the right.
Food cravings: You'd think I'd be eating everything given how much I've packed on this past month! Going along with the "out of my skin" feeling, my appetite has been all over the place. "Nothing sounds good" is a common complaint Ross hears...thankfully he's getting better at fending for himself :) I could eat cereal about 100 x a day!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: A few BH. Unfortunately my guts have been rollin' lately too. TMI, sorry!
Symptoms: Out of nowhere this past week, my legs and feet are starting to get a little tingly sometimes...and the cankles are setting in! ughh...and I thought I was going to be one of the lucky ones--nope! Also found my first stretch mark (and about cried). Just a little baby one on the back of my hip...but a stretch mark nonetheless (hmmphf!). what a week!
Belly Button in or out? She must have moved around in there, because now it's back to being all-in!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but I've been taking them off much more lately--the 90 degree weather this weekend was killer!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Despite how much of a sob story the rest of this post is, I really am so happy and in love with this little girl! She has changed my life indefinately, and there's something so powerful in being a mother! Sure, I know I sound a little whiney when it comes to the symptoms and all that jazz, but 33.5 weeks is a long time and I'm starting to get a little worn out. Maybe that's the impatience talking?! I know she needs to cook a little longer though, and I don't need her coming before I'm fully ready! I just can't wait to meet her and love all over her!
Looking forward to: Finishing up the nursery and putting a deep clean on the little ol' house. My mother has been so kind to help me out with some of the tough stuff--bathrooms, floors, baseboard, etc since school is almost out and she's out of work for the summer. I'm so thankful for the extra hand, everything seems to take that much longer when you're preggo--I'm either getting sidetracked or have no gumption to get anything started in the first place! I am making lists though--and have even prepared my "take to the hospital" folder with all the important info for insurance, maternity leave, etc. It's a start! I found more useful tips for the last few weeks here! Love the posts on her blog!
I know, this blog still lacks pictures. Sorry (ok not really). Cripes I'm lazy. I'lllll work on ittttt!
May 31, 2012
May 22, 2012
bumpdate 31 & 32
How far along? 32 weeks 2 days (less than 8 weeks to go! when did this happen?)
Total weight gain: +25
Maternity clothes? Oh yes!
Sleep: Eh. I've been napping after work recently, which makes me stay up real late...and then getting up early is a royal pain. No-win situation here.
Best moment this week: Having my first baby shower at my Aunt Cindy's for my dad's side of the family! It was so wonderful--I can't believe how loved and spoiled little S already is!
Miss Anything? Here's one for the books--keeping my 'bits' tidy. I might as well shave blindfolded. Seriously--what's a girl to do in this situation? I need some advice here! Life is tough when you can't see between your belly button and your knees!
Movement: It's starting to slow down a bit, and is becoming more intentional. Sometimes I feel like she might try to pop out of my throat she's so far up in my ribs! She did have the hiccups the other night, it was so cute...
Food cravings: Anything cold. Fruit. Still oreos. Chocolate!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Leftovers ugh.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: A few BH. Gas!
Symptoms: Bloody noses, restlessness, needing to pee wayyyyy more often!
Belly Button in or out? Depends what position I'm in (standing, sitting...) and if I've just eaten. But for the most part--In.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but definitely getting tighter some days.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and anxious! There's so much to do, so little time (and motivation? maybe just a bit!)
Looking forward to: A 'friends' shower at my bestie Lindsey's this weekend! Memorial weekend---love love love this time of year when hubby puts on his dress blues and walks in the parade with grandpa. God bless you, veterans! Thank you for your service!
Total weight gain: +25
Maternity clothes? Oh yes!
Sleep: Eh. I've been napping after work recently, which makes me stay up real late...and then getting up early is a royal pain. No-win situation here.
Best moment this week: Having my first baby shower at my Aunt Cindy's for my dad's side of the family! It was so wonderful--I can't believe how loved and spoiled little S already is!
Miss Anything? Here's one for the books--keeping my 'bits' tidy. I might as well shave blindfolded. Seriously--what's a girl to do in this situation? I need some advice here! Life is tough when you can't see between your belly button and your knees!
Movement: It's starting to slow down a bit, and is becoming more intentional. Sometimes I feel like she might try to pop out of my throat she's so far up in my ribs! She did have the hiccups the other night, it was so cute...
Food cravings: Anything cold. Fruit. Still oreos. Chocolate!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Leftovers ugh.
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: A few BH. Gas!
Symptoms: Bloody noses, restlessness, needing to pee wayyyyy more often!
Belly Button in or out? Depends what position I'm in (standing, sitting...) and if I've just eaten. But for the most part--In.
Wedding rings on or off? On, but definitely getting tighter some days.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and anxious! There's so much to do, so little time (and motivation? maybe just a bit!)
Looking forward to: A 'friends' shower at my bestie Lindsey's this weekend! Memorial weekend---love love love this time of year when hubby puts on his dress blues and walks in the parade with grandpa. God bless you, veterans! Thank you for your service!
Friends: Old & New
What a whirlwind of a past few weeks! I can tell that summer is definately getting into full swing around here...and it's not even Memorial Day yet! The past couple weeks have been spent doing some things long overdue like catching up with old friends. First, there was dinner and an engagement party for a bestie from high school & her fiance--Alli & Joe. Congrats again! We ran into more old pals there and it ended up being an excellent night with great conversation and many laughs. A few days later I got a text from my old college roomie, Kaleigh, who moved down to Georgia after school. I've only seen her twice since, so I was very eager to reunite! We met for a long lunch this past week and it was like we never skipped a beat. She even came out again this weekend to a bonfire with some other friends. Now that she's a citygirl, we had to give her a gentle reminder of how a bunch of small-town hillbillies get down. Nothing accomplishes that better than a few beers (for everyone else but me) around a bonfire down by the creek, accessible only by quad or 4-wheel drive. We stayed up late (ok, probably way too late for a preggo) and had so much fun I want this girl to move back!
And of course I can't forget about my new pal! That's right, I had my very first 'blate' this past weekend! Kristen over at Living, Learning and Loving Lorenz is the sweetest, most genuine girl I have ever met! Seriously, girlfriend came over Friday afternoon and even brought a present for Baby S! We stopped in Saugatuck for some lunch at the Mermaid, walked the boardwalk, and spent the rest of the afternoon telling stories and saying things like "I can't believe how not-weird this is!" Of course I knew that no girl who was married on the exact same day and shares a love of labs could be weird. Kristen and her hubby Jason recently moved down to our neck of the woods from Northern Michigan. Both husband and I look forward to getting to know them better!
I can't express how grateful I am for these good times! It's easy to slip into a slump when you're pregnant--life seems to keep going on around you, but half of the time you're too tired or sick to stay up late anddo what everyone else is doing go to the bar. I needed these days--for my own sanity! Work has been absolutely nuts again, so it feels good to take a breather and catch up with the girls. I have my 'friends' baby shower this weekend at my bestie Lindsey's, and I'm really looking forward to it!
And of course I can't forget about my new pal! That's right, I had my very first 'blate' this past weekend! Kristen over at Living, Learning and Loving Lorenz is the sweetest, most genuine girl I have ever met! Seriously, girlfriend came over Friday afternoon and even brought a present for Baby S! We stopped in Saugatuck for some lunch at the Mermaid, walked the boardwalk, and spent the rest of the afternoon telling stories and saying things like "I can't believe how not-weird this is!" Of course I knew that no girl who was married on the exact same day and shares a love of labs could be weird. Kristen and her hubby Jason recently moved down to our neck of the woods from Northern Michigan. Both husband and I look forward to getting to know them better!
I can't express how grateful I am for these good times! It's easy to slip into a slump when you're pregnant--life seems to keep going on around you, but half of the time you're too tired or sick to stay up late and
May 06, 2012
bumpdate 26-30
Wait, what?! 30 weeks? Oh lawd!
It's been a long, fast month again. One of those where it went by so fast, though it seems like forever ago, ya know? We got our results from the last ultrasound back, and let's just say it wasn't what we were hoping to hear. The swelling in her right kidney stayed the same (at 4mm), but the left one did get bigger. Lefty clocks in around 7mm, and they start to get concerned when they reach around 10mm. At this point, the doctor says there's nothing we can do for the rest of the pregnancy, only that she'll get a few scans after she's born and the pedi will decide how to go from there. If you know me, this is probably the most frustrating thing. I'm all about solutions, solving problems, and moving forward. This, however, happens to be one of those wait-and-see things that is completely out of my control--not something I deal well with. Doc did say he didn't think any further ultrasounds would be necessary, which completely freaks me out, but I guess I have to trust him. Sure, I could go get a "second opinion," but what good would that do? This is not something that can be fixed while she's still in there, so it doesn't make any sense to worry about it until she's out. Right? Right.
In other news, we did finally get the 4th wall of the crib up (yay) and we spent all day Saturday in Childbirth Education class. Yes, in husband did accompany me, much to his dismay. What a strange ordeal. We were one of 4 couples in the class (the teacher's smallest class ever), and one lady who was a second time mother found it necessary to also bring her mother, in addition to her love child's assbackwards father. They were quite an entertaining trio. We learned a lot about our options, so it was well-worth the time (even Ross agreed).
How far along? 29 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: +23lbs (ish)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes! I've been trying to work in as many of my regular tops yet...though I have a feeling they're going to be so stretched out by the end of this that I'll never wear them again :( I received some hand-me-downs for the summer earlier in my pregnancy and they were just big enough that I thought they'd fit just fine...I'll be lucky if I can button those puppies anymore though!
Sleep: When I get to sleep, it's good. This waking up in the middle of the night to pee business, on the other hand, is not my friend. I keep wondering 'what if i actually don't wake up and pee the bed, what would my husband say?' I guess it's best that I get up a few times, huh ;)
Best moment this week: Literally being knocked so hard in the side I had to stop what I was doing. We have a feisty one here!
Miss Anything? My energy. By the end of the day I just feel so zapped. The weekends are great though, I do so much better with a little nap mid-day. I cannot wait until these long days at work are over!
Movement: Most often between 9-11, just after lunch, and from dinner until bedtime. Every once and a while she'll start banging around in there while I'm in bed, but it's nothing that wakes me up.
Food cravings: My appetite is out of whack again. Babe seems to want all things fruity & cold...or cereal & oreos. We've been indulging in a lot of homemade yogurt & frozen fruit smoothies around here.
Anything making you queasy or sick: She still likes it hot & spicy, which is getting hard on my guts!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: I had another few BH contractions recently, but I've noticed they only happen when I don't have enough water.
Symptoms: Nothing out of the ordinary. I have noticed though that when I have to "go", I have to go RIGHT NOW!
Belly Button in or out? In, but barely. I was bit by a mosquito right in my belly button this weekend and it drove me crazy!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but definitely getting tighter some days.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy mixed quite frequently with "worried" and "anxious".
Looking forward to: My first shower on May 19th! I feel like it's so late, but I guess my last one is June 23rd. I don't know what the deal is with my family...I'm just so anxious to fill her room, but now I have to wait! Do you sense a theme here--I don't do well with waiting! Maybe the good Lord is trying to teach me a lesson?
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Baby, what baby? Gee, I don't look tired at all, ugh! |
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THAT baby! |
It's been a long, fast month again. One of those where it went by so fast, though it seems like forever ago, ya know? We got our results from the last ultrasound back, and let's just say it wasn't what we were hoping to hear. The swelling in her right kidney stayed the same (at 4mm), but the left one did get bigger. Lefty clocks in around 7mm, and they start to get concerned when they reach around 10mm. At this point, the doctor says there's nothing we can do for the rest of the pregnancy, only that she'll get a few scans after she's born and the pedi will decide how to go from there. If you know me, this is probably the most frustrating thing. I'm all about solutions, solving problems, and moving forward. This, however, happens to be one of those wait-and-see things that is completely out of my control--not something I deal well with. Doc did say he didn't think any further ultrasounds would be necessary, which completely freaks me out, but I guess I have to trust him. Sure, I could go get a "second opinion," but what good would that do? This is not something that can be fixed while she's still in there, so it doesn't make any sense to worry about it until she's out. Right? Right.
In other news, we did finally get the 4th wall of the crib up (yay) and we spent all day Saturday in Childbirth Education class. Yes, in husband did accompany me, much to his dismay. What a strange ordeal. We were one of 4 couples in the class (the teacher's smallest class ever), and one lady who was a second time mother found it necessary to also bring her mother, in addition to her love child's assbackwards father. They were quite an entertaining trio. We learned a lot about our options, so it was well-worth the time (even Ross agreed).
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Ross setting up |
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Elvis "helping" |
How far along? 29 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain: +23lbs (ish)
Maternity clothes? Oh yes! I've been trying to work in as many of my regular tops yet...though I have a feeling they're going to be so stretched out by the end of this that I'll never wear them again :( I received some hand-me-downs for the summer earlier in my pregnancy and they were just big enough that I thought they'd fit just fine...I'll be lucky if I can button those puppies anymore though!
Sleep: When I get to sleep, it's good. This waking up in the middle of the night to pee business, on the other hand, is not my friend. I keep wondering 'what if i actually don't wake up and pee the bed, what would my husband say?' I guess it's best that I get up a few times, huh ;)
Best moment this week: Literally being knocked so hard in the side I had to stop what I was doing. We have a feisty one here!
Miss Anything? My energy. By the end of the day I just feel so zapped. The weekends are great though, I do so much better with a little nap mid-day. I cannot wait until these long days at work are over!
Movement: Most often between 9-11, just after lunch, and from dinner until bedtime. Every once and a while she'll start banging around in there while I'm in bed, but it's nothing that wakes me up.
Food cravings: My appetite is out of whack again. Babe seems to want all things fruity & cold...or cereal & oreos. We've been indulging in a lot of homemade yogurt & frozen fruit smoothies around here.
Anything making you queasy or sick: She still likes it hot & spicy, which is getting hard on my guts!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: I had another few BH contractions recently, but I've noticed they only happen when I don't have enough water.
Symptoms: Nothing out of the ordinary. I have noticed though that when I have to "go", I have to go RIGHT NOW!
Belly Button in or out? In, but barely. I was bit by a mosquito right in my belly button this weekend and it drove me crazy!
Wedding rings on or off? On, but definitely getting tighter some days.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy mixed quite frequently with "worried" and "anxious".
Looking forward to: My first shower on May 19th! I feel like it's so late, but I guess my last one is June 23rd. I don't know what the deal is with my family...I'm just so anxious to fill her room, but now I have to wait! Do you sense a theme here--I don't do well with waiting! Maybe the good Lord is trying to teach me a lesson?
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