What am I doing, you say? I'm BLOGGING, when I need to be WORKING. Meh. Work can wait for a few minutes. I need some SANITY here. Things are getting hairy and I need a break.
This week I'm saying WTF to...
my cousin. for making her facebook status all about her health insurance company made her get a physical for her husband's (the insurance carrier) work. Much to her surprise, she has high cholesterol. For cripes sake you're 30 with no job and 5 kids. Play with them. Pick yourself up the couch, quit eating their mcnuggets and go for a damn walk! Do some crunches. Fish oil. SOMETHING! Just don't air that shit out on facebook. **note: now i get to send you nice packets educating you how to manage your chronic condition because that's what i do for a living...and you're insured with my company! On the other hand, fat/sick people = job security.
my boss. too many reasons, too little time. (not to mention I don't want to screw up my annual review next tuesday). Crap.
my body. This is a WTF in a good way. I didn't know it was capable of such things. Nice work, body.
my mom. If she asks me again if I'm having Thanksgiving at my house this year, I'm going to scream. my husband thought it would be fun to host it and went ahead and told everyone we would do the honors. Without asking his wife. Obviously he doesn't want me to work then, because I can't work and get ready for a feast at the same time.
this is the second time he appears on here...
my husband. again (sorry). He came home with a cradle this week. First, I didn't know they still made those, or even still called them that. Apparently one of his clients gave it to him because his dad made it. Ross said he took it by his dad's who said "I didn't make that." Great, now I have a hunk of firewood in my house that serves no purpose at the current time, and belongs to some stranger. Cool.
the clock. Father time just isn't moving fast enough for me this week.
my ex-bestie. Who STILL hasn't sent us a wedding invite and she's getting married in less than a month. After a deep sermon last Sunday about turning the other cheek, I decided to let it go and sent her a nice note asking for her new address so I can at least send a gift. I doubt she'll respond, but no address = no gift. Your choice I'm just trying to do the white thing.